Lake Keesus Social Calendar

Keesus Koncert #1 - July 20

The first free Keesus Koncert of the summer happens on July 20th at the Lehmannn Property (formerly Bong's Point) at the end of Audrey Drive (N79W28946)  starting at 7 p.m.   You can tie up to one of their piers, float or anchor in the Lake, or walk up and listen on the shore.  LKAA is paying for the Band  "Tonight Only", so BYOB and tips for the band which will be greatly appreciated.  The $500 winner of the "Squares Game" will be selected during one of the Bands breaks. 

Boat Rally & Trivia - July 27

Dan Willems and company will host the annual Boat Trivia contest on Saturday July 27 from 3:00-6:00p.m.  More details coming soon... 

Keesus Koncert #2 - Aug 10

The band "Trophy Husbands" featuring Mike Grassman, son of Keesus resident will perform at the Snyder property in Marquardt's Bay.  More details coming soon...   

"At the Lake" event - Aug 16-17

Click here for details! 

LKAA Book Club

LKAA Book Club meets the second Monday of every month.  Call Nina Schlidt (538-2771) for monthly book title and meeting place.

LKAA Sheepshead

The group meets on Friday nights once a month at various homes. Contact Kenn Belter (538-1291) if you would like to join them and want more information.